Member Bio Step 1 of 3 33% This is veteran information that will be utilized ONLY by the VHPA Headquarters, elected officers, and 'Aviator' Editors. It will be used for obituary use in public announcements upon the death of the veteran. Wishes of surviving relatives or indicated representatives (below) for use of this information will be honored. Any other use of this information would require written permission from the veteran. Please provide this information as you would like it to be presented. Feel free to add additional information in the SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS section at the bottom of the form and to leave fields blank that you don't believe pertain to you or that you would prefer not to show.Name First Last Place of birthDate of Birth MM slash DD slash YYYY Home Town (if other than place of birth)Other towns important to you where you lived before joining the militaryCollege(s) education titles degrees or training prior to the military (dates too)Branch(s) of serviceService DatesTraining & flight school bases & class numbers Vietnam ToursVietnam Tour #1DateLocation(s)Aircraft FlownCall SignsRank & "other" dutiesMedals EarnedAdd Another Tour? Yes, Add a Second Tour Vietnam Tour #2DateLocation(s)Aircraft FlownCall SignsRank & "other" dutiesMedals EarnedMilitary Duty After Vietnam Tour(s)Where were you stationed after your Vietnam tour(s)What were your duties after your Vietnam tour(s)Aircraft types flownHighest rank (and/or any history of rank progression)If you retired from the military what location did you retire fromIf you retired from the military at what rank did you retire FamilySpouse's nameWere you married during your service time and whenChildren(s) name(s) and location(s) (Are there any that you would like us to communicate with? - please indicate which)Do you have an obituary that you would like to submit instead of anything that the VHPA RMC members might write about you based on the information that you have provided aboveAre there any words that you would like to pass along to your fellow VHPA members and brothersSPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Are there any other special instructions that you would like honored pertaining to how the information you have provided will be used?Please upload a photo from when you were in the service. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, Max. file size: 64 MB. Upload a current photo. Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, Max. file size: 64 MB.