Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association Georgia Chapter

Our Mission

To enhance and accredit the cohesiveness, esprit de corps, and traditions of valor of rotary wing Pilots that flew in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam Era.

To seek out, using whatever means available, individuals who piloted rotary wing aircraft in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam era and inform them of the existence of the GA-VHPA and encourage all eligible individuals to become members.

To educate the public about the helicopters used in Vietnam, the men that flew them, and to inspire future generations to become Army Aviators.

To do this we plan more events like the Peachtree DeKalb Airport (PDK) Good Neighbor Day air show on 11 May 2024. (Right).  That Cobra was provided by the Army Aviation Heritage Foundation in Hampton GA.

These events will include parades (1st Image above), car shows, Veteran, and other patriotic events. events using a display UH-1  and flyable helicopters like the Cobra in the images to the right from the Good Neighbor Day Airshow.

Another mission is to provide information about the Vietnam War like the film below.  This an important file so please watch and share with your friends and family.

Truths and Myths of the Vietnam War

Many of our members are also members of the Atlanta Vietnam Veteran Business Association (AVVBA) whose Foundation has produced an important film to set the record straight after decades of misinformation that has presented a skewed historical perspective of the Vietnam War.

Please click the link below to view this important film.

Truths & Myths video link


Our members gather for lunch every other month to enjoy the brotherhood of fellow Vietnam Helicopter Pilots, get an update on GAVHPA activities, and hear presentations on important topics for veterans.

Click Here For the Schedule.