2023 Meeting Schedule
The meeting dates and venue have changed. It will be at the Dunwoody United Methodist Church, 1548 Mt Vernon Rd, Dunwoody, GA 30338. Please read this message from our President, Doug Lackey.
“Change 1 – Venue
I have been pursuing optional sights since January and have concluded that we should take advantage of an opportunity offered by the campus at Dunwoody United Methodist Church. Many of our members are already familiar with this gracious institution as this is the meeting location for the Atlanta Vietnam Veterans Business Association (AVVBA). While the Meeting Hall for the AVVBA is far too large for us at this point, they have an optional room, The Epworth Room, which is just down the hall. Here are some of the advantages that this room offers the Chapter:
Round Tables!
- Seats 60 plus comfortably.
- There is no room charge.
- There is no charge for AV Hook Up if needed.
- The meals are catered and delicious. Cost: $20 Total
- Choice of two entrees and a side
- Choice of drinks
- Choice of desserts
- Less Expensive
- Quieter
- Change 2 – Day of the Week
Although many of us are retired or semi-retired, Saturdays are still special for family outings or other gatherings. Therefore, we would like to try a weekday at our new location to see if it better fits our schedules. We are proposing the third Tuesday of every other month beginning 16 May. We’ll open at 1100 HRS with announcements and pledges; we’ll hit the chow line at 1130 HRS.
We remain in hope that these changes will be more amenable to a greater number of our members (now pushing 90 members!).
Comments and responses welcomed from Your Chapter”
July 18, 2023, Dunwoody United Methodist Church, 1548 Mt Vernon Rd, Dunwoody, GA 30338
September 19, 2023, Dunwoody United Methodist Church, 1548 Mt Vernon Rd, Dunwoody, GA 30338
November 21, 2023, Dunwoody United Methodist Church, 1548 Mt Vernon Rd, Dunwoody, GA 30338